This is my latest mix and I think it turned out quite well… A full grip of tunes in this episode as I was making up for being sick last week. I hope you enjoy the extended selection. Also, pay no attention to the ad about halfway through saying I’m on Saturdays… That’s an old one, lol.
Join me LIVE every Sunday from 3pm EST/8pm GMT on for all the free tracks and live vibes!
Timestamp is up!
Message me for a download link.
All Track downloads should be found @
Thanks to everyone who made the show possible by making their tunes free!
Shot to the main man Tarz, the man like Aperio, out to Aseity, Echomatics, Prospekt and Art1fact… Everyone who contributed, thanks for the badass tunes! Please if you DL these tracks, repost and share the tunes. It’s the least we can do, Troopers.
– N (DR, now without braces)