The Raver has returned for 2019 with a bang, Troopers.
This all-free, first of the new year selection was full of gems. Special thanks to all the producer crew who made it possible. You know who you are!

DBS has a new look, New jukebox, and is currently undergoing some massive upgrades – so if you have the time, come pay us a visit @

Shouts to all the DJ’s, staff and community members who’ve participated by listening, contributed to the site, or just been there to hang out and enjoy the vibes – Big <3 atcha! Favorite us on TuneIn: Join our discord for these downloads: (Only 25 invites) Happy 2019, everyone. The staff and I look forward to another massive year in deep space. Interested in a fee-free DNB show of your own? Got a tune you think would be great for our Juke? Contact me via DM. Big ups! - p.s. (sorry for the rough mix near the end.) 😛

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